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Suspend Account

This endpoint will suspend an existing free hosting account with the provided information. The following information is required while sending an request to the server:

  • Username (domain prefix with an 8 digit number)
  • Reason (a valid reason for suspending)

HTTP Request

All API requests for this action must be made to Any other address for this action may result in an unknown error.

Shell Request

curl -X POST -u username:password -d "user=example&reason=My beautiful reason." ""

Python Request

import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
# from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring, ElementTree - Do this if you want to only get the status code.

url = ""
data = {'user': 'username', 'reason': 'My beautiful reason.'} # For the username, use the same username you set when creating the account.

response =, params=data, auth=HTTPBasicAuth('username', 'password'))


# tree = ElementTree(fromstring(response.content)) - Do this if you want to only get the status code.
# root = tree.getroot() - Do this if you want to only get the status code.
# for child in root: - Do this if you want to only get the status code.
# print(child[0].text) # The status code (can either be 0 or 1) - Do this if you want to only get the status code.

XML Response

<script>if (self['clear_ui_status']) { clear_ui_status(); }</script>
Changing Shell to /bin/false...Changing shell for username.
Shell changed.
Locking Password...Locking password for user username.
marking user vhosts / databases for suspension.
Completed, this account will be fully suspended in 2 minutes.